CEO Message
We will relentlessly pursue growth as a company that shares its the values with business partners.
We will also make an effort to maintain the love and trust that customers have always showered upon us.

Dear Customers!
This is Chang Won Jeon the CEO of Binggrae.
Binggrae was established in 1967 to contribute to the development of the milk
processing industry and the healthy life of customers. In these nearly fifty-five years,
we have grown into a global company that is active on the world stage.
Binggrae has developed a range of innovative products and pursued challenges
through starting new businesses and entering new markets
to lead not only the development of the food industry of Korea
but also the health and happiness of our customers.
The first-ranking flavored milk ‘Banana Flavored Milk’, the first domestic carton ice cream
‘Together’, the representative spoonable yogurt ‘Yoplait’,
and ‘Melona’ loved by people all over the world - these are our proud offerings
that have grown together with our customers.
Binggrae has reinvented itself as a new company that has broadened
the business area to include Health, Nutrition, and Wellness as well as the food industry,
and established its position in the health-oriented lifestyle business.
Moreover, in order to fulfill the social responsibility of the company and a sustainable
future, we have strengthened the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)
centered management. In recognition of our efforts to strengthen our ESG management,
we received integrated A-grade for 3 consecutive years based on the ESG assessment (KCGS).
Binggrae will create a corporate culture under Smart Work System
to balance autonomy and responsibility.
We will pursue growth as a company that shares its values with business partners.
We will spare no effort to maintain the love and trust customers
have always showered upon us.
I cordially ask you to keep an eye on our efforts and pursuit of challenges for the future of
"Binggrae, the messenger of health and happiness with a bright smile."
Thank you.